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Department of Biophysics and Cancer Biology

Professor Martyna Elas
room: A028 (4.01.27), phone: +48 12 664 63 38, e-mail:

Dr hab. Agnieszka Wolnicka-Głubisz
room: A004 (4.01.29), phone: +48 12 664 65 26, e-mail:

Dr hab. Przemysław M. Płonka
room: C026 (2.01.27), phone: +48 12 664 63 50, e-mail:

Dr Gregor Becker
room: B001 (3.01.43), phone: +48 12 664 63 55, e-mail:

Dr Martyna Krzykawska-Serda
room: B046 (3.01.38), phone: +48 12 664 64 42, e-mail:

Dr Beata Płonka 
room: C026 (2.01.27), phone: +48 12 664 63 50, e-mail:

Dr Małgorzata Szczygieł
room: B045 (3.01.39), phone: +48 12 664 64 30, e-mail:

Dr Agnieszka Drzał
room: C028 (2.01.29), phone: +48 12 664 61 53, e-mail:

Dr inż. Krystian Mokrzyński
room B045 (3.01.39), +48 12 664 63 42, e-mail:

Mgr Dariusz Szczygieł
room: B045 (3.01.39), phone: +48 12 664 64 30, e-mail:

Mgr Olga Wiecheć-Cudak
room: A001 (4.01.31), phone: +48 12 664 65 29

Aleksandra Bienia, room: B046 (3.01.38), phone: + 48 12 664 64 42
Gabriela Dziurman, room: B014 (3.01.5), phone: + 4812 664 64 28
Adam Kłóś, room B014 (3.01.5), phone: + 48 12 664 64 28
Aleksandra Murzyn, room: pokój: B014 (3.01.5), phone: + 48 12 664 64 28
Bartłomiej Olajossy, pokój: B014 (3.01.5), phone: + 48 12 664 64 28
Justyna Sopel, room: B014 (3.01.5), phone: + 48 12 664 64 28
Piotr Świerzewski, room: B014 (3.01.5), phone: + 48 12 664 64 28
Olga Wiecheć-Cudak, room: A001 (4.01.31), phone: + 48 12 664 65 29
Norbert Wroński, room: B014 (3.01.5), phone: + 48 12 664 64 28

  • Hypoxia and oximetry
  • xidative stress and nitric oxide
  • Radiobiology
  • Tumor heterogeneity
  • Anti-cancer therapies (PDT, thermotherapy, radiotherapy)
  • Non-invasive imaging in preclinical cancer models
  • Tumor in the context of host organism and tumor microenvironment
  • RIPK4 role in melanoma and therapies
  • Hair cycle
  • Modeling of biological processes
  • Semiotics of genetic information
  • Slime molds as an alternative model system
  • Bioethics

  • Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging
  • Ultrasound imaging, CT maging
  • Histology and immunohistochemistry
  • Cell culture (2D, 3D)
  • Molecular biology methods
  • UV-Vis irradiation
  • Computer modeling
  • Models: in vitro, in ovo, in silico

  1. Martyna Elas: Theranostic oxygen nanobubbles in cancer radiosensitization and (2022–2025). OPUS 23, NCN
  2. Martyna Elas: Nanoparticles to optimize the effects of radiotherapy of brain tumors: multiscale modeling and experimental validation (2021–2025). Erananomed III, NCBiR.
  3. Martyna Elas: Liver metastatic niche and uveal melanoma radioresistance (2021–2024). OPUS 19, NCN
  4. Martyna Krzykawska-Serda: Hypoxia in combinatory treatment of murine pancreatic tumor (2019–2024). OPUS 15, NCN
  5. Agnieszka Wolnicka-Głubisz: Involvement of RIPK4 in Wnt/b-catenin pathway-dependent regulation of melanoma cell invasiveness (2019–2024). OPUS 16, NCN

  1. Drzał A, Delalande A, Dziurman G, Fournié M, Pichon Ch, Elas M. Increasing oxygen tension in tumor tissue using ultrasound sensitive O2 microbubbles, Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2022,
  2. Drzał A, Jasiński K, Gonet M, Kowolik E, Bartel Ż, Elas M. MRI and US imaging reveal evolution of spatial heterogeneity of murine tumor vasculature. Magn Reson Imaging, 2022, 92:33-44.
  3. Dziurman G, Drzał A, Murzyn AA, Kmiec MM, Elas M, Krzykawska-Serda M. Pulse and CW EPR Oximetry Using Oxychip in Gemcitabine-Treated Murine Pancreatic Tumors, Mol Imaging Biol. 2023 Oct 2. doi: 10.1007/s11307-023-01859-w 
  4. Gonet M, Epel B, Halpern HJ, Elas M. Merging Preclinical EPR Tomography with other Imaging Techniques. Cell Biochem Biophys. 2019 Sep;77(3):187-196. 
  5. Bienia A, Wiecheć-Cudak O, Murzyn AA, Krzykawska-Serda M. Photodynamic Therapy and Hyperthermia in Combination Treatment-Neglected Forces in the Fight against Cancer. Pharmaceutics. 2021 Jul 27;13(8):1147.
  6. Wolnicka-Glubisz, A.; Wisniewska-Becker, A. Dual Action of Curcumin as an Anti- and Pro-Oxidant from a Biophysical Perspective. Antioxidants 2023, 12, 1725 
  7. Madej E, Ryszawy D, Brozyna AA, Czyz M, Czyz J,  Wolnicka-Glubisz A. Deciphering the functional role of RIPK4 in melanoma. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2021, 22(21), 11504. 
  8. N. Wronski , E. Madej , M. Grabacka , A.A Brożyna , A. Wolnicka-Glubisz . RIPK4 downregulation impairs Wnt3A-stimulated invasiveness via Wnt/β-catenin signaling in melanoma cells and tumor growth in vivo. Cellular Signalling 2024, 113:110938. 
  9. Barańska E, Wiecheć-Cudak O, Rak M, Bienia A, Mrozek-Wilczkiewicz A, Krzykawska-Serda M, Serda M. Interactions of a Water-Soluble Glycofullerene with Glucose Transporter 1. Analysis of the Cellular Effects on a Pancreatic Tumor Model. Nanomaterials (Basel). 2021, 11(2):513.
  10. Insińska-Rak, M.; Sikorski, M.; Wolnicka-Glubisz, A. Riboflavin and Its Derivates as Potential Photosensitizers in the Photodynamic Treatment of Skin Cancers. Cells 2023, 12, 2304. 
  11. Grabacka M., Płonka P.M., Reiss K., 2020, Melanoma - time to fast or time to feast? An interplay between PPARs, metabolism and immunity. Experimental Dermatology, 29(4), 436-445.
  12. Radomir M. Slominski, Tadeusz Sarna, Przemysław M. Płonka, Chander Raman, Anna A. Brozyna, and Andrzej T. Slominski (2022) Melanoma, Melanin, and Melanogenesis: The Yin and Yang Relationship. Frontiers in Oncology , 12, 842496. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.842496   
  13. Maciej Sułkowski, Marta Kot, Bogna Badyra, Anna Paluszkiewicz, Przemysław M. Płonka, Michał Sarna, Dominika Michalczyk-Wetula, Fabio A. Zucca, Luigi Zecca, Marcin Majka, (2021), Highly Effective Protocol for Differentiation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS) into Melanin-Producing Cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 12787.
  14. Adam Kłóś, Przemysław M. Płonka (2020) Growth of mixed cancer cell population – in silico the size matters Acta Biochimica Polonica, 67(4), 295-301; DOI: 
  15. Jan Pukalski, Natalia Marcol, Norbert Wolan, Przemysław M. Płonka, Przemysław Ryszka, Tadeusz Kowalski, Dariusz Latowski. (2020). Detection of a pheomelanin-like pigment in the mycelium of Plenodomus biglobosus by EPR spectroscopy. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 67(3), 295-301; 

  • Radiobiology and photodynamic therapy at the cell and organism level
  • Molecular mechanisms of skin photoaging
  • Application of EPR in biology and medicine
  • Hypoxia in cancer
  • Melanin and its properties
  • Cancer heterogeneity
  • Melanoma biology 
  • Hair cycle regulation
  • Biology of nitric oxide
  • Slime molds as alternate model organisms
  • Models of tumor growth, biocomputing and biosemiotics
  • Activity of multidrug resistance proteins
  • Combined anticancer therapy
  • Linguistic aspects of biological information

Knowledge in cell biology, interest in cancer problems, good English, computer modelling (basic).