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Department of Biophysics

Dr hab. Anna Wiśniewska-Becker
room: B001 (3.01.43), phone: +48 12 664 63 55

Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Sarna
room: A038 (3.01.32), phone: +48 12 664 64 27

Prof. dr hab. Witold Korytowski
room: A005 (4.01.28), phone: +48 12 664 65 17

Dr hab. Anna Pawlak
room: B021 (3.01.29), phone: +48 12 664 64 25

Dr Tomasz Panz
room: A003 (4.01.30), phone: +48 12 664 65 14

Dr Michał Sarna
room: C027 (2.01.28), phone: +48 12 664 61 50

Dr Grzegorz Szewczyk
room: B044 (3.01.40), phone: +48 12 664 64 40

Mgr Paweł Pabisz
room: B033 (3.01.11), phone: +48 12 664 64 26

Dr inż. Krystian Mokrzyński
room: B045 (3.01.39), phone: +48 12 664 63 42

Mgr Olga Wiecheć-Cudak
room B014 (3.01.5), phone: +48 12 664 64 28

Michał Sabat, room: B014 (3.01.5), phone: +48 12 664 64 28
Mateusz Wojtala, room B014 (3.01.5), phone: +48 12 664 64 28
Olga Wiecheć-Cudak, room B014 (3.01.5), phone: +48 12 664 64 28

  • Oxidative stress in cells structure and function
  • Role of melanin and caretenoids in photoprotection
  • Role of photodynamic reaction in retinal damage
  • Antioxidant properties of plasmalogens
  • Liposomes as photosensitizer carriers in photodynamic therapy,
  • The oxidative stress on membrane properties of antioxidants
  • Phototoinduced  oxidative modification of  macromolecules
  • Effect of lysenin on model membranes
  • Role of TUDCA in protection of photoreceptors against photodamage
  • Role of oxidation products of polyunsaturated lipids in retinal photodamage.

  • Cell culture (normal and tumor)
  • Exposition to different light sources in the range of UV-VIS
  • Molecular biology methods
  • Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR)
  • Microscopy and flow cytometry
  • Direct detection of singlet oxygen via its phosphorescence
  • Nanosecond flash-photolysis
  • Atomic force microscopy
  • Laser scanning confocal microscopy

  • Tadeusz Sarna: How age-related oxidative modifications of neuromelanin and melanin of RPE affect their protective properties in human brain and eyes. (2022–2026) OPUS, NCN

  1. Wiśniewska-Becker A, Wolnicka-Głubisz, A. Dual Action of Curcumin as an Anti- and Pro-Oxidant from a Biophysical Perspective. Antioxidants (Basel). 2023 Sep 6;12(9):1725. 
  2. Radzin S, Wiśniewska-Becker A, Markiewicz M, Bętkowski S, Furso J, Waresiak J, Grolik J, Sarna T, Pawlak AM. Structural Impact of Selected Retinoids on Model Photoreceptor Membranes. Membranes (Basel). 2023 Jun 1;13(6):575. 
  3. Mokrzyński, K., Sarna M., Sarna T. Photoreactivity and phototoxicity of experimentally photodegraded hair melanosomes from individuals of different skin phototypes. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 2023, 243, 112704
  4. Ito, S., Napolitano, A. Sarna, T. Wakamatsu, K.: Iron and copper ions accelerate and modify dopamine oxidation to eumelanin: implications for neuromelanin genesis. Journal of Neural Transmission (2023) 130: 29-42
  5. T. Sarna Photodynamics of melanin radicals: contribution o photoprotection by melanin. Photochemistry and Photobiology (2023) 99: 866-868
  6. Mokrzyński K, Krzysztyńska-Kuleta O, Wojtala M, Wnuk D, Sarna M, Sarna T. Can L-Ascorbic Acid and trans-Resveratrol protect HaCaT cells from Fine Particulate Matter Toxicity? Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2023, doi: 10.1111/php.13596
  7. Zucca FA, Capucciati A, Bellei C, Sarna M, Sarna T, Monzani E, Casella L, Zecca L. Neuromelanins in brain aging and Parkinson's disease: synthesis, structure, neuroinflammatory, and neurodegenerative role. IUBMB Life. 2023 Jan;75(1):55-65.
  8. Wolnicka-Glubisz A, Olchawa M, Duda M, Pabisz P, Wisniewska-Becker A. The Role of Singlet Oxygen in Photoreactivity and Phototoxicity of Curcumin. (2023) Photochem Photobiol. Jan;99(1):57-67
  9. Zbyradowski M, Duda M, Wisniewska-Becker A, Heriyanto, Rajwa W, Fiedor J, Cvetkovic D, Pilch M and Fiedor L. Triplet-driven chemical reactivity of β-carotene and its biological implications. Nat Commun. 2022 May 5;13(1):2474. 
  10. Pabisz P, Bazak J, Girotti AW and Korytowski W. Anti-steroidogenic effects of cholesterol hydroperoxide trafficking in MA-10 Leydig cells: Role of mitochondrial lipid peroxidation and inhibition thereof by selenoperoxidase GPx4. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2022 Feb 5;591:82-87.
  11. Kania A, Tejchman W, Pawlak AM, Mokrzyński K, Różanowski B, Musielak BM and Greczek-Stachura M, Preliminary Studies of Antimicrobial Activity of New Synthesized Hybrids of 2-Thiohydantoin and 2-Quinolone Derivatives Activated with Blue Light. Molecules. 2022, 27(3): 1069 
  12. Różanowska MB, Pawlak A and Różanowski B. Products of Docosahexaenoate Oxidation as Contributors to Photosensitising Properties of Retinal Lipofuscin. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021; 22(7):3525.
  13. Mokrzyński K, Krzysztyńska-Kuleta O, Zawrotniak M, Sarna M, Sarna T. Fine Particulate Matter-Induced Oxidative Stress Mediated by UVA-Visible Light Leads to Keratinocyte Damage. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22, 10645.
  14. Mokrzynski K, Ito S, Wakamatsu K, Camenish TG, Sarna T, Sarna M. Photoreactivity of Hair Melanin from Different Skin Phototypes-Contribution of Melanin Subunits to the Pigments Photoreactive Properties.  Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Apr 24;22(9):4465. 
  15. Sułkowski M, Kot M, Badyra B, Paluszkiewicz A, Płonka PM, Sarna M, Michalczyk-Wetula D, Zucca FA, Zecca L, Majka M. Highly Effective Protocol for Differentiation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPS) into Melanin-Producing Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 Nov 26;22(23):12787
  16. Krzysztynska-Kuleta OI, Olchawa MM, Sarna TJ. Melanopsin Signaling Pathway in HEK293 Cell Line with Stable Expression of Human Melanopsin: Possible Participation of Phospholipase C beta 4 and Diacylglycerol. Photochem Photobiol 2021 Sep;97(5):1136-1144.
  17. Sabat M, Wisniewska-Becker A, Markiewicz M, Marzec KM. , Dybaś J, Furso J, Pabisz P, Duda M and Pawlak A Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) : lipid interactions and antioxidant properties of TUDCA studied in model of photoreceptor membranes. Membranes. 2021;  11(5): 327.
  18. Olchawa MM, Szewczyk GM, Zadlo AC, Sarna MW, Wnuk D, Sarna TJ. The Effect of Antioxidants on Photoreactivity and Phototoxic Potential of RPE Melanolipofuscin Granules from Human Donors of Different Age. Antioxidants  Basel). 2020 Oct 26;9(11):1044. 
  19. Olchawa, MM, Szewczyk, GM, Zadlo AC, Krzysztynska-Kuleta, OL Sarna TJ. The effect of aging band antioxidants on photoreactivity and phototoxicity of human melanosomes: an in vitro study. Pigment Cell and Melanoma Research 2020 1-13. 
  20. Serda M, Szewczyk G, Krzysztyńska-Kuleta O, Korzuch J, Dulski M, Musioł R and Sarna T. Developing [60]Fullerene Nanomaterials for Better Photodynamic Treatment of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancers ACS Biomater. Sci. Eng. 2020; 6 5930–40.

  • The impact of selected retinoids (all-trans retinal and all-trans retinol) on the structural properties of a model membrane
  • The impact of plasmalogens on the phagocytic activity of retinal pigment epithelium cells (ARPE-19)
  • Role of tauroursodexycholic acid in the protection of retinal pigment epithelium cells (ARPE-19) against oxidative stress
  • Phototoxicity of selected oxidation products of polyunsaturated lipids in retinal pigment epithelium cells (ARPE-19)
  • Comparison of photoreactivity of Folch extracts of Bruch’s membranes isolated from human donors of different age
  • Analysis of photochemical activity of halogen derivatives of quinolone in model systems
  • Structure and function of tear film
  • Effects of oxidative stress and antioxidants on membrane properties
  • Liposomes as carriers of drugs and photosesitizers 
  • Anti- and pro-oxidant properties of carotenoids
  • Protective role of thioredoxin mimetic-peptides in photic stress induced in retinal pigment epithelium cells (ARPE-19)
  • Comparison of the protective properties of flavonoids (quercetin, kaempferol) in photic stress induced in retinal pigment epithelium cells (ARPE-19)

  • elementary knowledge of physical chemistry, interest in spectroscopic methods, good English.