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Position of post-doc in the Department of Microbiology, FBBB JU

Competition no. 3 for the post of adjunct in the Department of Microbiology. Applications can be filed till 5 December 2019.

Position in the project: young post-doc
Scientific discipline: life science
Job type: employment contract – part time position 70%
Number of job offers: 1
Remuneration: 7 000 PLN brutto brutto (expected net salary: 4 000 PLN/month)
Position starts on: 15 December 2019
Maximum  period of contract: 46 months
Institution: Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysic and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University
Project leader: professor Wojciech Młynarski
Project title: Fix Neutropenia (FIXNET): focusing on neutrophil proteases defects which serve as novel diagnostic and therapeutic options. Project is carried out within the TEAM NET programme of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP).
Project description:
Neutrophil granulocytes (NGs) are the most abundant leukocyte population and their disfunction frequently affects the vaccination program and is linked with a high risk of life-threatening infections (in Poland approx. 3.000 children/yr). NGs contain specialized set of granules which incorporate a number of functionally important proteins including specific neutrophil serine proteases (NSPs). Genetic mutations of NSPs frequently lead to NGs defects. Thus, NSPs are essential for neutrophil development and action. The main objective of the current project is to marge clinical and genomic data with molecular biology of NSPs and unique highly selective chemical tools for identification of their role in NGs disfunction. Joined efforts of three academic centers forming the FIXNET consortium will work together to reach this goal. This will develop cutting-edge diagnostics and will explore new therapeutic horizons for patients with rare and common diseases associated with NGs disfunction.
Key responsibilities of post-doc:
  1. Optimization of infectious models, including infection of: skin (induced by S. aureus), lung (induced by S. pneumoniae), brain (induced by N. meningitidis) and periodontitis (induced by P. gingivalis).
  2. Analysis of the course of the above infections and local infection using a chamber model in transgenic mouse strains, including the evaluation of clinical, microbiological, serological parameters and selected aspects of immune response.
  3. Genotyping of transgenic mice.
  4. Testing efficiency of vaccines in transgenic mice.

Profile of candidates/requirements:

  1.  Work experience supported by publications on animal models, including infectious models. Certificate for working with animals.
  2. Experience in working with bacteria including obligatory anaerobes. 
  3. Knowledge of basic molecular techniques (including real-time PCR), biochemical (SDS-PAGE, immunoprecipitation, Western Blot, ELISA, etc.).
  4.  Experience in flow cytometry techniques.
  5. Good knowledge of immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization methods.
Required documents:
  1. application,
  2. CV,
  3. copy of the doctoral diploma or habilitation degree,
  4. summary of the most important research areas and scientific achievements,
  5. obtaining a doctoral degree up to 5 years back,
  6. list of publications (including publication and number of pages),
  7. four full texts of publications and / or implementation descriptions from the last 10 years,
  8. description of the originality and breakthrough of the aforementioned achievements and their impact on the development of given scientific areas and additionally a description of the achievements and results of the recently completed project,
  9. proposal of assumptions and research methods that will be the subject of R & D work of a research team managed by a given person as part of the implemented project along with an indication (if applicable) of foreign scientific partners with whom it intends to cooperate in the framework of the implemented project.
  10. reviews of doctoral dissertation or habilitation dissertation,
  11. opinion of a scientific supervisor on the predispositions and qualifications of the candidate for scientific research in academic environment.
We offer:
1. An employment contract – 70% full-time position.
2. Access to laboratories that meet the requirements for the implementation of research tasks.
3. Employment in the Department of Microbiology conducted by a world-renowned scientist in the field of biochemistry, enzymology, infectious diseases.
Recrutation shall include two phases:
  • application submission
  • an interview in English with selected Candidates. 
The participants of the recruitment process have the right to appeal within 7 days of receipt of feedback from the recruitment commission. In response to the appeal, will be set up an appeal committee, whose opinion is necessary when approving the recruitment protocols by the Foundation of Polish Science.
Please submit the above mentioned documents to: (with a note: competition no. 3)
Application deadline: 5 December 2019
Due to the entry into force of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, we also require that your job advertisements include a clause requesting the candidate’s consent to the processing of his or her personal data by the institution which carries out the recruitment process.